2 posts

Olin College: FA2021 Discrete Mathematics


Procedural Graph Generation For More Realistic Simulations

Many real world systems can be modeled with graphs. Most stable and complex graphs have small-world (local clustering) and scale-free (hubs) properties. In this project, we (1) identified algorithms that generated small-world and scale-free graphs, (2) studied and implemented generation functions for each type of algorithm, (3) created custom animations of graph generation process, and (4) verified that our graphs exhibited the expected structural properties.

Deep Dive Into Huffman Coding

Huffman coding is a variation on prefix codes that optimize lossless data compression. In this deep dive, we (1) introduced how Huffman Codes work, (2) explored the theoretical limits of Huffman compression, (3) analyzed resilience to error, and (4) followed the evolution of research on using choice of Huffman tables to encode secret messages in MP3 files.